來自美國紐約的多用途環保包大地系五件組手提短提把(可當Manduka PROlite瑜珈背包)印度製 公平交易生產過程中無有害排放材質天然純棉 使用無重金屬染劑ECOBAGS® String Bag™Earthtones Collection - Tote HandleStep out in style, around town or around the world, with a reusable bag that's fashionable, functional durable and has international cred. This seemingly small bag, stretches and expands to accommodate almost anything you put in it, from fruits and veggies, to breads, flowers and wine and it'll last years and years. Perfect for going to your grocer, farmer's market or simply having it on hand as a just-in-case bag or, "Avoska", as they say in Russian. Beyond local shopping, this Classic String Market Bag is perfectly suited for the beach and travel so that no matter where you are in the world, you have your handy reusable tote.